Hello, this is probably going to be my final post, because I don't know if they have computers in elsewhere, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
It's the day before I run away from the community, and I can't get any sleep. Today was a very eventful day, to say the least, first I learned about what release is, then saw my father release a newborn and finally learnt of a way to expose all the community to the truth, run away.
Release is, in itself, death. They inject the person to be released with something, which kills the person and then dumps the body down a garbage disposal chute. I learnt this through the Giver when he asked me if I wanted to see a release, which he then showed my father releasing the smaller of the two newborn twins. Before I had seen any of this, I had always thought that when someone was released they were taken to to a door that led to elsewhere, and were then sent out, but now I know all of that is not true. (In my community when a birthmother has twins, the smaller of the two is released.)
After the video, and I had calmed down The Giver told me his plan, it was that last time when a receiver was released, all the memories she had were given to the community, thus meaning that if I leave, then all the memories I have will be passed on to the community, and this is just what I am going to do to show the community what they are doing, the Giver wants to stay back to lead the way for all the others, I don't like this, but I understand this.
If I ever get a chance to post again, I will.